Core concepts

Let's go over the different pieces that make up the Stamp protocol and how they fit together. First off, we'll look at identities: what it is and the pieces that make an identity in Stamp.


Your identity in Stamp is a collection of claims you make about yourself, "stamps" (signatures) from other identities on your claims that create a network of trust, keys that allow you update your identity or interact with other cryptographic applications, and a set of policies that defines how the identity can be updated and who can act on behalf of the identity.

These components work together to ensure that changes to the identity are valid, networks of trust can form between identities, and other cryptographic systems can interact with your identity seamlessly.

Each identity has a unique, public identifier that can be used to distinguish it from other identities. For example, mine is s0f__TtNxiUrNJ8yi14vVQteecP7xQYQzcohhPqOdt8A. This identifier is the best way to find the identity or share it with others.

Claims and stamps

Make claims (name, email, etc) and verify the claims of others, creating a network of trust. Some claims, such as domain or URL ownership can be verified instantly with no third party.


Manage keys not just for communication between identities or creating signatures, but for other cryptographic systems. Stamp is like a password manager for apps that use cryptography.


Create policies that allow recovering your identity in the case of a lost or compromised key, or to give combinations of people the ability to act on behalf of an identity.

Here's an example of how an identity in Stamp is represented.
  Blake3: s0f__TtNxiUrNJ8yi14vVQteecP7xQYQzcohhPqOdt8
created: "2024-01-04T07:28:19.196Z"
  - id:
      Blake3: aQG6RZf2DIwEKxxSRJCWL5np-rYVEZ_wv_R1JUikHlk
        - Permissive
          must_have: 1
            - Key:
                name: ~
                  Ed25519: oOY0cJKeJsKPuwG7TEcxbavf2UyjbSj5IWkewVQmArk
    - key:
          public: oOY0cJKeJsKPuwG7TEcxbavf2UyjbSj5IWkewVQmArk
          secret: ~
      name: alpha
      description: Your main admin key
      revocation: ~
    - key:
            public: v5oIeVI6Lw1zYSehiu8XJEtbifR7aZa9UwpHoG8GCGQ
            secret: ~
      name: default/sign
      description: A default key for signing documents or messages.
      revocation: ~
    - key:
            public: 1Ay8UcSP6rukhIpU-1qR1KtpltuRme7Ttb9FV9OZFgE
            secret: ~
      name: default/crypto
      description: A default key for receiving private messages.
      revocation: ~
    - key:
            Blake3: hkxJkPUFnU1EclSON4rW6UjMk90brI0eM5Nt2tDBPug
          data: ~
      name: default/secret
      description: A default key allowing encryption/decryption of personal data.
      revocation: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: M-iSJUeI0bPsLUixZib8qjXx1RJjcYNJIEHzD5B8fxQ
          Blake3: s0f__TtNxiUrNJ8yi14vVQteecP7xQYQzcohhPqOdt8
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: UP6azISO1hLHROH6pIU6OeVGwowR82jrfK2rhV1k2AQ
        Public: Andrew Lyon
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: oZr-4N9V8SS1sHlccx76tZcKAvSi6eGYItbNlBQL_HU
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: eJdi26q-d_tO3jAE1Km93LPhSzZ7KE-_YnLoL-VlTYk
        Public: dedf113e54248344163716b55c66fad13222d757
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: MhoIfakOmWFOdS7DjYwTqDEtge80Lx1a813qiszRp6A
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: l52FmcwRThnBlybPb33MFDH2qgdQyza6XS72oDFO5D4
            Blake3: OcYj5TARKhqRvq3oCa0tfMhk2JZoDyAivHyQMIApuAE
          data: ~
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: zYY3Z_P_MappC5sdHumcZ7goXMAlHuNQ9uCG9NEi02I
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: gsIXBbspigIQ-34m2TCxxRA_1V-fiefRa60WfXbR408
        Public: ""
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: PVeQpdRHHI2rxOHDoyMyWo0oguyji0u5t9weobrGyyk
    stamps: []
    name: ~
  - id:
      Blake3: mXvBpZWeb4I1fDJVotXKqOJbxiFQ9_GyQLr1cvbUE1M
        Public: ""
    stamps: []
    name: ~
stamps: []


Although identifiers are unique, it's possible someone could maliciously generate one similar enough to another one that people might be fooled. For this, we have identity fingerprints.

Andrew's identity fingerprint, which kind of looks like a lion's face if looking at the negative space.

Fingerprints are 16x16 multicolor pixel-art representations of an identity. Even a slight variation in the identity's identifier string will, with high probability, generate a very different fingerprint. Both identifier strings and fingerprints, when used together, offer excellent protection against impersonation. That said, stamps are the ultimate way to defend against impersonation.


Your identity contains pieces of information about you that others can verify. These are known as "claims" and form a basic building block of your identity. This can be something as simple as "I own this identity" or "My name is ____" to "I am the member of the group that owns the identity ____."

By default, claim values are public and viewable for all to see but claims can also be private and encrypted and completely hidden from all published forms of your identity. You might want your name or email to be public, but a home address might be best to keep private. Stamps on private claims are viewable by anyone who has a copy of your identity, but the claim value is never shared.

There are several different claim types.
Claim Description
Identity Allows claiming ownership of an identity. Generally, all Stamp identities will have this as their first claim as a way to say "I own this identity." It also provides a method for others to verify the identity belongs to you without having to individually stamp each of the other claims.
Name Your name.
Birthday The date you were born. Happy birthday! Or if you are a faceless megacorp, the date you filed your articles of incorporation! Wooooo!
Email Claim that you own an email address.
Photo Allows uploading a small photo of you. 8K or less.
PGP If you've got a PGP identity, you can put the long-form identifier here to claim ownership of it through your Stamp identity.
Domain Here you can put in a (DNS) domain name you have control over. This is a self-verifying claim in that it doesn't require stamps: it can be verified on the spot through the Stamp claim checker.
URL Claim that you own a particular URL. This can be a personal website, a profile on a social media page, etc. Like the Domain claim, this can be verified directly through Stamp.
Address Claims that you reside at a physical address.
PhoneNumber Claims that you own a telephone number.
Relation Claims a relationship to another Stamp identity. This generally means membership of a particular group represented by Stamp. Relationship claims also have an extension type, allowing you to claim any kind of relationship, such as claiming someone is your grandson. The possibilities are literally infinite.
RelationExtension Like a Relation claim, but the subject does not have to be a Stamp identity: it can be anything that can be serialized into binary. This allows claiming relationships with entities outside of the Stamp protocol.
Extension The extension claim basically allows you to make any claim you want. If any of the above claim types don't cover your use-case, you can use this claim type to extend Stamp to accommodate you. Extension claims have two parts: a key (binary) that is always publicly-readable and a value that can be public or private.

It's important to note: any identity can claim anything. You don't know if someone's name is really what they say it is, or if they are truly a member of the Bass Pro Shops Insider Deals Club. This is why every claim on an identity can be verified by other identities and must be considered carefully by you. These verifications are known as stamps.

Claims can be named, which opens up interesting opportunities: other systems can use those names to find claims that point to locations you own. I know that last sentence made absolutely no sense, but stick with me. Imagine a protocol (like ActivityPub for instance) that allows others to follow the updates you create. The immediate problem is that if you have to change the location at which your ActivityPub instance is hosted, you lose all your followers. Now imagine you had a Stamp identity with a url claim that was named activitypub/primary. Users of ActivityPub could then follow your Stamp url (stamp://V-oZfxWJMrOqYSCN/claims/name/activitypub/primary for example) and if you changed hosts you could create a new claim with the name activitypub/primary and your followers would automatically be updated. Obviously this would require buy-in from the folks at ActivityPub, but it's an example of how named claims can be useful as pointers in the distributed/decentralized landscape.


A "stamp" is a verification by one identity that a claim on another identity has some validity. Stamps not only allow you to show trust in others but also allow flows of trust through the Stamp network. For instance, if Alice stamps Bob's identity claim, and Bob stamps Zoey's, then Alice can place some trust in Zoey's identity even if they don't actually know each other because Bob has created a link between them.

When an identity wants to stamp another's claim, the stamp is generally stored with the identity that created the stamp. This allows quick verification that the stamp is still active (ie, not revoked) and also enables flows of trust more easily.

The recipient must formally accept the stamp before it is added to their identity. In effect, a stamp requires both parties to agree that a stamp should exist.

Stamps on private claims are achieved by the stampee creating a request, in which the claim value is decrypted, then immediately encrypted with one of the stamper's public keys such that only the stamper can decrypt and read the value. This allows the stamper (and only the stamper) to view and verify the claim. Stamps added to private claims are public even if the claim's value is encrypted and private.

Policy system

Policies are a way to describe what admin keys have which capabilities to modify the identity or act on behalf of the identity. A Stamp identity can have any number of policies, each one additively assigning more permissions to various keys.

Each policy allows arbitrary combinations of admin keys to be specified, creating a robust multi-signature system. This opens the door for logic like:

# ANY of the following conditions can match
  # ALL of the listed conditions must match
  - All:
      - OfN:
          must_have: 1
            - Ed25519: hxJNDiXrMu3ahhhl9DDgkipiry1iw-9aoz8FOjhz3K0
            - Ed25519: el09jpXlNktjrb63_q75zlIJyjFmI30fBA4DI5OBj7o
      - OfN:
          must_have: 1
            - Ed25519: g3yYPVK8L4NiuTikdivlDNJ_brdZWA-cEjfNeASQFt0
            - Ed25519: 4rkAHQYDj5YKfAl_40O8JOLbApByHruaWwWIj1EeSMo
  # of the four possible keys, we must have signatures from at least 3 of them
  - OfN:
      must_have: 3
        - Ed25519: 0FwmCwC7G2V2g7L_yJjH_HzUjQM3SDotmRvuFe2eqpk
        - Ed25519: R8R7t0JZQw80VyZrdk35BLPzlUCHY515zXSrEPJu2Ro
        - Ed25519: el09jpXlNktjrb63_q75zlIJyjFmI30fBA4DI5OBj7o
        - Ed25519: hxJNDiXrMu3ahhhl9DDgkipiry1iw-9aoz8FOjhz3K0

Policies can assign capabilities to admin keys that are in other identities. This allows one identity to be managed in a cryptographically verifiable way by multiple other identities. In effect, this is a group identity.

Because things like issuing signatures or creating transactions for outside systems are all modeled as Stamp transactions, it becomes possible to use a group Stamp identity as a conduit for democratic participation in other systems.

So where do policies come from? They are specified in the initial transaction that creates the identity, and afterwards can be added or removed by issuing valid corresponding transactions as well.

Admin keys

An admin key is a cryptographic signing key that lives in the identity's keychain which can be granted capabilities (the ability to modify or act on behalf of the identity) with the use of policies. Admin keys sign transactions, and if a transaction has the correct combination of signatures as defined by a policy, it becomes "valid" and can be verified by other identities.

Read more about transactions. Or else.

Admin keys have a mandatory name field and optional description field, allowing to distinguish between them more easily than having you memorize a bunch of base64 public key values.

Capabilities and contexts

Capabilities are granted to various admin keys through the policy system. A capability can grant a permission in all cases, or be restricted to certain contexts. For instance, a capability might grant the ability to manage any keychain key or it could grant the ability to manage only keychain keys matching a name glob pattern (like apps/turtl/*).

An overview of types of capabilities.
Capability Description
Permissive Allows any action. Can be used to give one or more admin keys "god mode."
Transaction Allows creating transactions of certain types in a certain context.

Contexts are ways to limit the scope of a capability. When assigning a capability via a policy, contexts can be specified individually or as combinations of and/or/not logic.

More about the various types of contexts.
Context Description
All Holds a list of contexts. Creates a logical AND gate where all contexts inside of it must match.
Any Holds a list of contexts. Creates a logical OR gate where any contexts inside of it can match.
Not Creates a logical NOT gate where the contained context must not match.
Permissive Signifies that context is not important. This context always matches.
IdentityID Matches on a specific identity ID.
ObjectID Matches on an object ID. This can be a policy ID, claim ID, or stamp ID.
AdminKeyID Matches on a specific admin key ID.
KeyID Matches on a specific keychain key ID.
Name Matches on resources that have the given name. Named resources are admin keys, claims, and keychain keys.
NameGlob Matches on resources that have names matching the glob pattern. For instance email/* would match a claim with the name email/primary.
ClaimType Matches on claim transactions that have the given claim type.
ExtType Matches on Ext transactions that have the given type.
ExtTypePrefix Matches on Ext transactions that have a type field starting with the given binary value.
ExtContext Matches on Ext transactions that have a matching key/value pair in their context field.
ExtContextPrefix Matches on Ext transactions that have a matching key in their context field where that value starts with the given value.


We've seen the policy system allows multi-signature management of an identity. This in itself might seem fairly esoteric, but it has one advantage to the regular, down-home individual Stamp user: recovery.

The policy system makes it possible to designate any arbitrary combination of keys from other identities that can reset your admin keys and policies entirely. If your admin keys are lost or compromised, you don't have to start over and build an entirely new identity from scratch: you can issue a recovery with a little help from your friends.

How you set this up is up to you: maybe you want your grandson to be able to reset your identity. Maybe your sister, and one of your two parents. Maybe four of six friends and an institutional identity provider. The only limitation is your imagination, and which people you trust.


The keychain is a place to hold non-admin keys. This enables some of the more basic functions of Stamp identities. For instance, you can store an asymmetric key that allows others to send you encrypted email. Or you can store a signing key for creating signatures on files/documents/etc that others can verify. You can also store secret keys that you use for personal encryption/privacy.

The keychain also acts as a store for third-party application cryptographic keys as well. Got an app that does client-side cryptography? It can store the key in Stamp and not worry about the best way to keep that secret.

Entries in the keychain have a mandatory name field and an optional description, allowing them to be distinguished from each other. The name is useful as a way for third-party applications to request keys specific to them, and also to allow other Stamp users to know which key to use for what. For instance you might have a key specifically for emails named email/default.

The keychain also stores revoked keys, allowing old messages or signatures to be read/verified while discouraging using those keys going forward.


Let's go over some important pieces about how Stamp works. Each Stamp identity is a linked list of transactions, each one signed by one or more admin keys. The admin key signatures on each transaction must match a policy to be considered valid.

Diagram showing how Stamp uses a transaction model, controlled by a policy system, to build identities

Then starting with an empty identity each transaction is run, in order, updating the identity as it runs. The final output is a cryptographically-verifiable identity build from a set of transactions that all follow the required policies.

Let's get in for a closer look.


At the core of Stamp is the concept of transactions. A transaction is signed message that can either modify the identity (create a new claim, revoke a stamp, etc) or act on the behalf of the identity such as when creating a signature or issuing a message for use in an external system.

Every change to the identity is issued as a transaction, and each transaction has a unique identifier and a collection of one or more cryptographic signatures on it that satisfy some policy.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh, 'transactions'...that means blockchain. The dreaded blockchain. Stamp is going to issue tokens and NFTs leave me penniless while the founders sail around the Caymans in a 200ft yacht."

Don't worry, I already own a 200ft yacht. Also, Stamp's core protocol doesn't use blockchains or tokens and is an entirely local system. Even the networked portions of stamp are not planned to use any blockchains.

Transactions have the following structure:

Transaction {
    // The unique ID of the transaction. This is the cryptographic hash of the transaction's `entry` field
    id: TransactionID,
    // An object describing critical data about the transaction
    entry: TransactionEntry {
        // when the transaction was created
        created: Timestamp,
        // The unique IDs of the transactions that came before this transaction
        previous_transactions: TransactionID[]
        // The transaction's body
        body: TransactionBody,
    // A collection of signatures this transaction has received
    signatures: Signature[],
Transactions come in many shapes and sizes.
Transaction Description
CreateIdentity Creates a new identity with a set of admin keys and policies.
ResetIdentity Replaces the admin keys and policies of an existing identity. This is a good transaction type to use for recovering an identity.
AddAdminKey Adds a new admin key.
EditAdminKey Edits an existing admin key's name and/or description.
RevokeAdminKey Revokes an admin key.
AddPolicy Adds a new policy.
DeletePolicy Removes a policy.
MakeClaim Creates a new claim on the identity.
EditClaim Edits a claim's name or description. Claim values cannot be changed and require creating a new claim (and getting new stamps).
DeleteClaim Removes a claim from the identity.
MakeStamp Stamp another identity's claim. Or you can stamp your own claims, but that's just sad.
RevokeStamp Revoke a stamp you've made on another identity's claim. Revocations allow others to see that you no longer assign trust to that claim.
AcceptStamp Accept a stamp another identity has made on one of your claims. This incorporates the stamp into your identity and allows others to see that trust has been assigned to you.
DeleteStamp Remove a stamp that you've previously accepted. For instance, if Stalin stamped your identity and later you found out he was actually not that nice, you could remove the stamp so other people don't think you associate with guys like Stalin.
AddSubkey Add a new keychain key. This can be a secret key (for symmetric cryptography), an asymmetric crypto key (so people can securely send you private messages), or a signing key so you can create cryptographically-verifiable signatures on documents or files.
EditSubkey Edit a keychain key's name/description.
RevokeSubkey Mark a keychain key as revoked. This does not remove the key entirely, but keeps it from being used in the future.
DeleteSubkey Remove a keychain key entirely from your identity.
Publish This transaction allows publishing your identity in a cryptographically-verifiable format, making sure it cannot be tampered with. It effectively takes a snapshot of your identity and signs it (the same way other transactions are signed). This lets you send your identity out into the world without fear of being "misrepresented."
Sign This allows creating an identity-based signature on some data. This is distinct from just creating a signature using a signing key in your keychain because it is much more "official." Sign transactions require approval of the policy system to create signatures, meaning signatures from group-managed identities must be signed by the correct admin keys.
Ext Allows creating Stamp-signed, non-Stamp transactions for use in other systems. This is my favorite transaction type. Any external protocol or system that understands Stamp can model arbitrary messages/transactions in their system. This allows other systems to use Stamp's properties as an identity system without Stamp having to be able to model some transaction system generic enough to work for every application. In other words, this allows protocols that require some notion of identity to communicate freely without having to build their own identity system.

Transactions have the concept of public data and private data. The public data is there for all to see, but private data (cryptographic keys, private claim data) is encrypted by a master key generated from a passphrase of your choosing. This way, even if your full Stamp identity is stolen, it is protected by your master key (so choose a good passphrase). When you publish your identity, the private data is stripped out entirely, retaining only public keys and HMACs of private data. The protocol is designed with privacy from the ground up.


We've covered transactions, but one part of them we kind of glossed over: the previous_transactions field. What is this?

Each identity is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of transactions created by the identity's owner(s). Each transaction, except for the first, references the transaction(s) directly before it. This creates a chain of modifications that, when applied in order, build a full identity.

TXID: 0a4b41
Prev TX(s): []
Type: CreateIdentity
TXID: f8bb77
Prev TX(s): [0a4b41]
Type: MakeClaim
TXID: 9221d1
Prev TX(s): [f8bb77]
Type: AddSubkey

So an identity isn't one singular object, but rather a collection of transactions that grow over time, changing and morphing the identity as they go. This allows an identity, and all the modifications to it, to be ordered and cryptographically verifiable. No part of the identity can change without complete verification. Modeling things this way also enables being able to change our admin keys over time without the identity ID changing: you can practice key rotation without having to rebuild your entire identity.

Here's what a published identity looks like...note the transaction list.
  Blake3: _nUXxQBXfjh_Ej9xZgArq-BJf9acczMcQHSAWRV7kH4
  created: "2024-01-11T05:27:35.305Z"
  previous_transactions: []
          - id:
              Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
              created: "2024-01-04T07:40:51.669Z"
              previous_transactions: []
                    - key:
                          public: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                          secret: ~
                      name: alpha
                      description: Your main admin key
                      revocation: ~
                    - capabilities:
                        - Permissive
                          must_have: 1
                            - Key:
                                name: ~
                                  Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: KSye_UHFzy7bE0lekc5L9w6dvjnujUgJ2mqkVZNFJRtp0X46fqZvn5k-1M3KskIJGderUENr3KpKA4BcSKtWBw
          - id:
              Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
                - Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
                        Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
                  name: ~
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: SqXlNUmqx-Hr9LMTX4eAZ1ic9UFf3d_AUzvf25Gxd1ZeKNHZnUFSYnxofLdDpclA8k0SHjl83UEQ7d34FzIwBA
          - id:
              Blake3: yMRZQTTIsPdmCuhaJvwzCFXDsnljQk1y32VcgNn4b8o
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
                - Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
                      Public: Zefram Cochrane
                  name: ~
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: r8ymcgyRovieDWZodLJPULiabfmiN7QZ5ZwabJoTa9mYePLxa2obF_7jrkmJln9Ltmnb1_CxgrT6MmaoLPm5AQ
          - id:
              Blake3: 13_BWJcu_HrKFQV0mSogjHpm3i-4HQGDf-6vhnarH5Y
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.901Z"
                - Blake3: yMRZQTTIsPdmCuhaJvwzCFXDsnljQk1y32VcgNn4b8o
                  name: ~
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: YrhHLHG53oMc-wzQkABDTADFu18Dh_mMBEH5n6EUi4OnV5SQy6wrAxI2H7bqoBG49lnEdqc_Uvqxh9VHplr7Aw
          - id:
              Blake3: eG-ezU5d-LVjmVbIHy_CPDMIipkVozIAC2ym5glnUGo
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.902Z"
                - Blake3: 13_BWJcu_HrKFQV0mSogjHpm3i-4HQGDf-6vhnarH5Y
                        public: LD9pzUz2mHpY1fr-wn03fHA-sqVo-vFcYm9nal5gSyE
                        secret: ~
                  name: default/sign
                  desc: A default key for signing documents or messages.
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: XOBkXzQafXblmbkiE_roxgXH0o3EFGrMBblW9vvAE6R_-qhEELDYskTmyTHWJ2U9F89SClNRX90vvciEgkHwAg
          - id:
              Blake3: MBngTWWon600NOBzZI2hVNetglpVJjfT5Ls807GyfqE
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.903Z"
                - Blake3: eG-ezU5d-LVjmVbIHy_CPDMIipkVozIAC2ym5glnUGo
                        public: LtIC_cnuUprmT9C-YtHZmken25vf-_OaqiCAHFWRJ1E
                        secret: ~
                  name: default/crypto
                  desc: A default key for receiving private messages.
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: 7X6qGeqA3YS_v9RoHDFOussKrHmy_dkfaDweVmoC9xv8CSNrLO4kXcdyeNX-ty65OgpQqng6UrxTGMyk6dqSCQ
          - id:
              Blake3: OG5wLtZuJ72SKujlp8YbOw3aQUyVTexYlKjv6L2KqVk
              created: "2024-01-04T07:41:11.904Z"
                - Blake3: MBngTWWon600NOBzZI2hVNetglpVJjfT5Ls807GyfqE
                        Blake3: fTbD8ptHwCa-9_iXAIHyroTM8mBLq1w91Fm5LLmf2Yg
                      data: ~
                  name: default/secret
                  desc: A default key allowing encryption/decryption of personal data.
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: 83Sak68ltmxqzfdt3mpwAkbxDeUThzMQ6QtNyUi_l8d95FkgeAlvZO5clCJ91hEsV8uoeXLrSRYXXU5-LYzmBg
          - id:
              Blake3: j98fNieA0pRXwKS6xBMkJYOWOuvOCBKzkOVyzG-2vXA
              created: "2024-01-04T07:43:14.192Z"
                - Blake3: OG5wLtZuJ72SKujlp8YbOw3aQUyVTexYlKjv6L2KqVk
                      Public: _9j_4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD_2wBDABQODxIPDRQSEBIXFRQYHjIhHhwcHj0sLiQySUBMS0dARkVQWnNiUFVtVkVGZIhlbXd7gYKBTmCNl4x9lnN-gXz_2wBDARUXFx4aHjshITt8U0ZTfHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHz_wgARCACZAJkDAREAAhEBAxEB_8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQF_8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA__aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABz8qy6kCKsFKQiFAlllC9BqqhRB_Kto1Wg1aFLdXJKkoooql6BVkIQ0c7ZCqlhlhSyIXYVXGSkaQhCEHYtw2w6qqBi4gwOjoIztZdZohCENmUiWssIXTIRDShupsOdNKms1zVkIQhsxYQZqDYNIlqNMtDlfWRAlz0u5shCG3mtZZWlEWSsmnqQ0ZQGdOcym5lQhDbzsSUJbWlqgJSDCM9aIZbzdYzMVUIQ140UhkoGnqIgFdMq0uzeoHLuUXEqEIbMaKSy7q2mSIFVQ-XfQDlSnJ1hVzCEIa8bJkoixsrCQCpSXbaBcVXNvNGoCRLWG3G7mZVwy6FSFxQ-0yKmNIjWMaIspKqzbnbEKRqsM6iqoolMa2IAwBLQKFMlzmOhnQoCvIARVqci7WroWg7nnw-R1pIVlJnjGhrqIudGW3NAUFK-1qKucDMl3roFkTKykYrhRms0rc1agMlfRIihuMSas72DgTnM2LHiDNqOV0tKUWNURlxlFJsmiXQEc2ZlsSCLFgmuqmhlOV1p3I3GaKHS75oBVZ5m1uxYqwQKGtEuuAVo-zKmaCFHSmnLDCzUUq7EWWVQVS7syx1azAZoaIOlNaFSf_EACYQAAIBBAEEAgMBAQAAAAAAAAABAgMQERIhIDAxMhNBIzNCBEP_2gAIAQEAAQUCVsmw-b4NTXpz1oyZM9evaybWwY62sk447Goo9KMGuoqcmlTkPKJ9fCMn2yMHIjzKcVinhikTqZdGpKBFtE6jk5D7O-pKo5OKYpSGJpGNnFSRiriSw5D7P9SaclsaYEkKKFeSFTiift2MZEkhDtsbHyRN2RbyVPbsJWRJjkblLEiUNZ_HmSisS8y9u19MaMEPZx3SWojzL77UbOyRH1nJCdpL8j7OrFwO2RelN4KkN1TbtOnlyg10owYFgb48t9H2Y5tJ20jIqUtbKPDmIVpGdkOyyao9TIqgnlReSQuT44EvWZC3lzZT_WOyEnaZOOpF8wawNYMsfmSI8L6fmb5pv8ZgwIR9VfEuacfK4IPk0RIflH8ytSlrKS1FIyhCJsr_AK8kuCKUjDg88Wxylxnh-LQqZWjsjOFTjsT5_wA78y9KUhPhxNrP2fgm8ivGZsS0z8URRXyT5g_L9Fw4O2R3dkO8fEPaA_Nb1P8AmQv_AP_EABoRAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERADBAIGD_2gAIAQMBAT8B9corlFFF0ahUchpGQVGH3QsHBxOPb__EABQRAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID_2gAIAQIBAT8BSH__xAApEAABAwIFBAICAwAAAAAAAAABABEhAhAgMDFRYRIiQHEyQQOBUtHx_9oACAEBAAY_AvPjxZ8GQycCFomOYdhqmVRoEBFyy4W6MIN8ul-lfFesrlkenRa9xTOW2t2kokvK7QU0ts6-6Su4TvlUnqH9ItuiHg65DmRsjnBAqVCmxz-kri0Wq9-AMB8AKb1eBK5TGxqBU5XOTomtonGmJ04waLZTOAv_AIuVxbTEcht1xYb4Xw-sf46sX3b2E1jtadCuMIp3Q4KKBtuLzYxh6al2rm0pzqi_8rftNaFrlTSCodTU6cFgqjb95wsVSqvdxg__xAAmEAEAAgIBBAEEAwEAAAAAAAABABEhMUEQUWFxgSAwobGRwfDx_9oACAEBAAE_IasWnEHzFX0joJntFcTUvotRi5cuX01qJ3FVGMIM4geelvM3xG-f4TI5ixfquFY2mWecIYOJh6kA4Szhx9gTANyokuLFcbaGKpYqvMQ3Bnca12wr0Lv6gh4QyL6L9XcQGfRy-J7yP-5dI0LLjmS3wLgXZw5gA1DNs0g8Rs8MsWOeOY7Kze1zb6q6VG0ouy7lEURSLuKwV_FAD5y24bVCULed4rMbzSrwTbH3AGD0kexOBeo32b-w10OOI6YUgu2e8tDpEDa5eqAdRcEGoMBEQRitiOoFAGvquX0fmjHSalzLL1EUPpiB-kHa_aKoJZVd8T5_MfqOirslUzSYOnZaIMjuMlnjAA8dpSUqCqEz-0KOITvLdwrMYK17IipqK-ZajMtu7jv7N04i4iHRUrivxQECmIblQQ0_Z1WMNt9FxpFQ7svdk0-moTFAxBzh2mSH8RM_SLShuMupiPnUU0kYEqJLzDAzBlG3QS21jmpU4ONxM5B-IirGLyeirLcIoPxFcTP0io70KLM3BRL7KFuaEFBTFWxqJC3REXbXaVzLkeYr0bQVmKCkK6HKFn9QsCpeHiYLf9hoPe44juXWpZhoZMxlWhWJmMZ7Stf9QzbW-IvwnqgteZfYlQm1_cVIHcRpxLn3cuvXQ5TGPMULMK8RmcTGvxFb3ARfEoAPE8EWqzZPJ_VMw0Bi3bgiLy8I5th-kMZ-f4lHki0TFLDkdfE3uzU2EGHCqeYnL7YHocjwjodmYBdlBrvdw1IYjA2kbOZ2l7HEbyrMElkWCWXuVmHwJqgrt2jekoVz8T_VQwl_mYYajsdpdTD8TIidON-GZHzLKcIHszNak4uUzNId4eyqMxk4wqWYJ81Pc6HicvSzn0cw1Pwpun7Cf4-5-InPxGOfof_aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQ9-Q77rbigk_TnwZTrEAA20gMSA_AAAGJgTr0IAAAPgSSbvkgAAACZ0SQtFAA6IYE0Yk_AAXe6SfUMrAAnT_FC9FWAALzCQiJBNAAgZ1pEgpZtAivFG8sfvXggadhxhptmKJp_cYIhjDGbxyMkwZfDzvxvXgQ4NSyrFdANef3Vi4IOZTQd6yQ6sL0yGqQvKPUNYrQWgvI_8QAHBEAAwEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERECAwQCEx_9oACAEDAQE_EEJlL8VKX7p8aJ8LELH7Qm8EPylEEFlNaJh-KEIJlJlF50hfh_dRdXgmoNU_m0XDGPl6xeILILRopdeITxatsKMY0QmvYIXK4eNEGiDZcuXlYxsuseUuvE-FrKJ9TXiFtG8Y16ITLlJl_fc2IQ49Qu2LYXSj1C7fouP_xAAaEQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQIDBA_9oACAECAQE_EMriIPCIKG3ByG1FFBFFRtRdALIiioUeQMFmGOgY8DYgMcceHTggh7OOnBBD1WR3eR5BQ8Qp8HhcHYjp-U2MvChFDAhsaWhsWaMejT0KGhBZ4CO1agEVCjzOxRv_xAAmEAEAAgMAAgICAgMBAQAAAAABABEhMUFRYXGBIKEQkbHB8NHx_9oACAEBAAE_EEQILEo1qWaGJcXn3Cpf1AlxLLqDWB9y7sj6IfKH4wy1UiPuFsQrstRm5g2xxlpaW-YKrTcpiW_EMWq8xG7uFVb9QXRuUYeZ5MPEQ40zwCpYabnueQPlj-o2AInE_mn8UepYvxNUIHKh6Q8trGHJVc5EHz4hFkvEuzjCq8wZUyzZ332PuFryRfyMuDc4VETFZgKwQAuYzJNSvjxFVqHwSmMKDo5AaBt0FXqDghbF9PP7leS_XIsUj9zd-WQrMW0CpiF2JGwsuqi40C0ao39_UZqs4S06YhPVRswsB0MLR1EhrRitAAbUKq_u5fgWVZVZGjLA2xbAL_7Nf3KMaaZ3Z1EJ6QBSPSCvyPllgJyWsTLcFx0FF2uMHkLlIHCAUxnzUUwymEAe2ISy4KmXfMtWBetss5kJ1DP3GUMvHlmOGraIbW7Xydg7D1AYq8bJrJqXGy9ltnz2Ds3-NT9JQIy4ZlQMU0rFKFvct4OSvAICthz1MLY_EGEYcRcZJjObjFhWaQmou_PYCAlX5hNmqmVp5lyj8-IaUCqnNR_EwjYjdzGpAddSsH9wAYKNQMrihs2Zg2NjKu-JrE3i77l0ys6yTL0LwNKlmQ11wxuLcNDhBHUJt-Jlhzcor3EQBRbbFAlAtQIYJRxAKAx5gIOncAcbLHHzHyyxZYkmzmhuABP9IY3VZE23ImP4jCpdmYVkfqKDolfcYldhUKvrPLXyolaMESC4rSQoxxY8YAtV0hLg9RRs1-5aFsin3-UFMDTCrqOyCBDdVVRW1p-5Qt36gOEya3EC17l-HKplbgP-IRVZ6gpp5uAXgu58ozc1_IWymBWY5-4Dgh1WyCghXVRYs5EuoQvsRmEs51Bc2lMOxhbbyeGIKhGgeSixllLZhb1EVdVvIiDA-nEqV8_xYUaxEyDEFNxfEqQS82-ooBFyyjpARzkye55FXd0TIXzMHoomK5CpajsDUpyaCCbN-JSAcYsr5wsG9ZhctKY733M5LGitiVoFVGKr4l5Zsb4TEsLAjbyFZNFV_kxnd3XfENZeUorkulWUdcsAMCLtK-oYjvfqVh38QLPUzRY-oEXyXljEVfMKFc-XqIbkLa5Eos7oNMJVle5Rqn_UK0oNvfUtZtOmmOlDKtZ_1IEgyqFnP_ImIUGEdhhXughUUx7iFKIpb57jUXoaG9vMHpJPyMBkVXmWQ0RqrAhcAUM7jltU6pupgAtqVBIBuvEfJRw9GPYLEPqpyFNZ0NjfGBAs1o6-oCbbfxLANNBBwkrhREAfENHlT6ioCrTB0xS9K2hqtkcJwbBhjDLUOjApFFt4iaxj3G-BG4mouBqL3oC4kCgR-WEvywxfmHO64RFLwe9iK7RRfTVTGFp1P_oxWYnG7zNqsMFm3iDI-Q4S4tezGE8fMG9hNd01LpGxXPYL4M_PcxvKqVD0F-zUIvT7ljDdQ80ZqAQ8A51BWCUh4Kg711RyGOhpIJG3RORUr8BNfMZZboMkx5IrQKtIdjVwUANRBsGr_wA_MuIA401j-4hKBZgXO5tZzyCllFcChfEG9rI5SxpNUlRJYHGKloq81M5CnQDo9PuJ2xUPaxXzE4dOKZl3AlBh0tiBba_cV2ivmfH8AFdYtRRhWh3yV5btzEyN8hJhnCuSmHkqfUtHGH1GKeq9NRBVSacv3BVDM6fqNpiCPB9NQ4KVaxTKVGXoGmqV1Xmo6KyAEtTxaOVqwqI1eRByJBKz5-Zv8iP7Zo_M6-X-DSMbPmftp-hNf-WZ-7_BLr8Ju-SH7p_rHT8fx__Z
                  name: ~
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: meUIklJ4H58cyYmZOaWvH5Kb3weDNiTbj9sD8Z7UaLGHB3zabrPUr5onDfVz9TgTnHA_cNbkDg4_Gsj5uQ0zCQ
          - id:
              Blake3: HflWay2xmCYnbqTKYP3utSo0s3v4Ne3vWOBzwHziD-o
              created: "2024-01-04T07:45:01.291Z"
                - Blake3: j98fNieA0pRXwKS6xBMkJYOWOuvOCBKzkOVyzG-2vXA
                      Public: ""
                  name: ~
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: "-1XBmxQAdO1CMXf_ccA4Dr4P8xigaIhNCqCo6MTuBq_61CCBjNAOppP5fSuBHpfpCxovfyh8Z7-XIUwF0i17Bg"
          - id:
              Blake3: kFF-yxwdBEqrmxg54ZYAI_Mcq887Z2ajNm0i58L7Nrw
              created: "2024-01-11T05:26:25.367Z"
                - Blake3: HflWay2xmCYnbqTKYP3utSo0s3v4Ne3vWOBzwHziD-o
                      Blake3: I2AV-DfidKBl3kzE7_EAoiIEtYWEwA-xnGaP26MKSrE
                      created: "2024-01-11T05:24:27.417Z"
                        - Blake3: 6sIrkkmWjdf1z8vzqNaEJQLYYy4Gm7hPi-9Kb8gyKBA
                              Blake3: 1m0c0VviUoSfACXw9ffVzjiLrOGXR7PgPv2VU_yKe_A
                              Blake3: Zef-ZpmdW1CsA-zxqUzHTP2sKZwUqnfV3oQ7Di2gL3A
                              Blake3: Dr4qJ88VNLMraCqXBGoNO8ILbtizognoTwOvR3o7OtY
                            confidence: Low
                            expires: ~
                      - Key:
                            Ed25519: JKzt4Eo9PNWbLR9V32czyyvIryJIlPsPF8-tMFYSS0E
                            Ed25519: DRH8-OnpX_1Wcp12gF1IEjV885RJB3hzzHfalCyvELT1j-HBwWu2Q-OE_ekEcAibTn1czAF6egSpWI92CgskBw
              - Key:
                    Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
                    Ed25519: dkZtCHtqWW8Ys9Almftv701HqwB1HDjI9w2nrna4n8rgZqnwgM33uTknscDTF0BCze_ZUwFIpN-YxS-CmXcyAA
  - Key:
        Ed25519: wcyZMSHhXOpE2oyTgdvx6LFQK8UOc92poq99mjC7Li8
        Ed25519: _VwJWm_ynt2YVQ2uF6JIc4tKHYjBKsiPwXKIz-B4sEG4CY9sbHaKOLCjGt-0sQ-Y8BYLIPz8a9m4cj2J6f8XDA


Let's go over some of the cryptographic algorithms Stamp uses.


Stamp's primary binary serialization format is ASN.1 DER. This expressive serialization format was purpose-built for cryptographic operations and allows reliably describing objects for signing, hashing, and communications.

For non-binary serialization (such as published identities), Stamp uses YAML, with binary data encoded into URL-safe Base64.

Stamp uses a multihash format for hashing, however when displaying hashes used in transaction IDs, instead of prepending the hash-type to the serialized base64, Stamp appends them. This effectively allows for "vanity" identity IDs that don't have to start with the characters A or B etc: you can have fred-x895-9idf8A instead of Afred-x895-9idf8.


Stamp uses cryptographic hashes for two purposes: to turn a serialized TransactionEntry into a TransactionID and to create policy IDs from the TransactionID that created them.

Hashes are created using a multihash format. What this means is that each hash in Stamp self-describes what kind of hash it is, allowing expansion for an arbitrary number of hashing algorithms. Currently, Stamp has only implemented Blake3 but supports adding more down the road.



  • ed25519



  • xchacha20poly1305
  • curve25519xchacha20poly1305

Private claims


  • HMACs on private claims